Sunday, June 10, 2007

Two colours of the same coin

It's time to wake up!!!! It's not 6 am, nope, but kinda late . We have been sleeping for too many centuries now. So many wars, and too many killings. Don't you feel fed off these crooks running for our governors ?

I don't know about you, but everytime I see these guys presenting themselves as candidates to elections , they remind me of the old monarchy of the 17th century. They lavishly showing off their power but presently offering us the image of people who care about the people . This is funny in all meanings of the term! Isn't it?
How these people try to make us believe they really care about the people ; more than they care about their personal ego!

Take a look at Hillary Clinton or George Bush! Yep, they seem to be quite different indeed, not just because they are from opposite sex but also because one is a very serious looking woman who seems to know how to handle the most difficult of situations, and the other is the typical old macho looking texan cowboy who can't even pronounce his own name correctly, but also because one is a democrat and the other a republican.

Well, at least , that's what they want us to believe! Sadly as it may sound, or pathetic as it may be, the fact is , that both parties act in the same play but disguising themselves with different costumes! How clever! That's the best way to fool millions of people!

On one side you have a party ( the democrats) who claims to be a more socially responsible and look more preoccupied on social wellfare and equal opportunities in the country than about nationalist interests or national identity and supremacy, and on the other side, you have a republican party that is outwardingly showing that America is the ruler of the world and has to act as a saviour just as king kong wanted to save the Empire Sate from falling down against the kamikaze planes ( hah, this irony is funny , er, sorry )

But, why I say this? I may be looking anti american by now, and many of the readers may have just stopped reading and go back to tune in some news on the latest album of Rianna or the latest song from Christina Aguilera ( both singers are kind of hot I must agree) Well , they are pretty damm right! , but patience is terribly lacking them, as the explanation comes in just now!

Well, since the beginning of the polarization of American politics that has resulted in the splitting of two sides confronting each other on the way of taking on the reigns of the country, we have been observing a bit of what I mentionned above, that is, the Republican party endorsing the shirt of the American patritotism and foreign conquest of world economics and politics, and the Democrat party trying to offer that image of high diplomatic sensitivity , and thus, opening the doors that the republican policies had no other effect than closing up, or at least sealing quite well .

This system is obviously a good one , in the sense that it allows the United States to expand all sectors of its diplomact outreach, even if it takes a full four year term to allow the other part of the diplomatics to be effectively put into play.

And thus, since the last Democrat ruled government , we have been able to see this pattern.It is not necessary to be a scholar in politics to be at least indirectly informed of the great number of examples that support this claim.

For example, since the time when the USA put Saddam Hussein into power , both parties have been focusing their pressure on Iraq to allow foreing corporations form the US to exploit the oil. Mister Bush father back in the late 80's forged a foreing US policy that was aimed at creating a world image of a dictator who was a threat to the west. This allowed the US to amplify their influence on the world military and diplomatic developments, by increasing the weight of NATO and expanding its number of member countries in Europe.

When the cold war ended , there was no longer a communist threat and therefore it was necessary to create another one that would help to this expansion. But , to allow the USA to continue this conquest of Middle East and the endeavour of enflaming this region , there couldn't be a republican in power again, because this would seem too suspicious to some people and very unaccetable to others.

Why this? Because it was obvious that there was no longer a big threat such as the Soviet Union anymore, and Saddam Hussein was too small of a threat to the huge USA, and the american public and intellectuals were not so stupid as to believe that Iraq could be any threat to their huge economy. Also, after such burst of patriocit pride, it would be difficult to make the US public believe that a single man could put US in jeopardy, nor even daring to oppose them, that would be bad propaganda!

So, there came Billy the kid (Clinton) who reminded the public of the cool and happy Kennedy . Such an image was a sign that prooved the American democracy was doing its job! At last, we had a real democrat, a good diplomatic and charismatic Oncle Bill, who was doing everything in his hand to spread the peace, and thanks to the USA! At last , the intellectual left wingers and central duets from the country of the 51 stars were being listened to and they could at last optimisticly embrace the whole world and show , that their country was not only about happy meals and buffalo rides and that the so long praised US Constitution was really an example for the rest of the world to follow!

But, Mister Billy the fast and speedy kid, was going to work under the blankets ( not with Monica only at least) to pass on his policy as diplomatic and neutral, allowing the CIA and the NSA to spread the USA's influence all over the world in a way unprecedented! From the year 1994 onwards he allowed the creation of a world secret communications survelliance system that allowed the USA to spy on their allies and the public without anyone (appart the secret NSA) knowing a damm about it!
This networlk of satellite and computer communications sniffing is called Echelon and it's not just a highschool's geek summer night's dream, but it is as real as the stone steps to the average american's garage. If you are still skeptic about it, just google it and you will find tons of info and video docs on the subject.

So, after a decade of Billie the kid's American prosperity, it was a necessity needed to change back it's colour. Mister Billie had succesfully and secretly spreaded the Big Brother influence all over the planet like a spider threading its web over its prey,while at the same time helping raise up social wellfare with it's appealing social interior policy. It was now , the time for the new Empire to apply its final stage to the big plan.
And what would be precisely the best way to do so, you make ask yourself, at the same time,while you are eating the last rests of your ben&jerry's donnut ? Well, it's simple. We neeeded to change this apparently inward looking policy into a more external aggressive one. The big dog needed to show off its crows, and that's were Mister 'da sheriff' Bushta man comes into action. We needed to shake the world a little bit, and to remind them who the boss is.
Superman had just arrived! Dressed up as a cowboy and hardly being able to read a speech ! Mister W ( as wacko )Bush! He ho was going to conquer the hearts of the mass majority of good ol' flag saluting mummies! He who endeavoured to resucitate the forgotten American Entrepeneurship! Nonetheless, he still needed an excuse! And what other excuse would be more suitable than to have another little Pearl harbour in the breakfast menu of that september the 11 morning?! A good ol' terorist attack that would instantly trigger the good ol' american pride into fifth gear back again ! And let the gas make the road rumble once again!!Wahoooou!! Yeee Haaaaa! BANG! BANG! ( I can still hear the sound of the good ol' winchester rifle in John Wayne's hand while he helps to erradicate the last Sioux tribes in one of those good ol westerns! ) ( or the face of Silvester Stallone while he launches one of those good ol' bazooka missiles into the commies ranch! YEEEHAAAA )

So, after 9/11 he put up high gear and gave himslelf the powers of a king! Not even Alexander the Great would have dreamed of being able to imprison terrorist suspects and take them to concentration torture prisons in the other side of the glove without anyone knowing about it! 'HE', the government, had now the right to spy on 'his' citizens and arrest anyone who dared look like a beared Muhamed( even if just for a good Halloween's night laugh) He who dared fall in love with a muslim green eyed girl, could aswell be a potential threat to national security!And hey if you can be a threat to allmighty USA , instantly and logicly, you can be a threat to the whole planet, just as when you can defeat the strong guy, the weak asslickers start to suffer from a uncontrolled urge to go for a pee...

Soon, fear and paranoia started to spread accross the world! Soon, the John Lennon's song ' We are one' took a new meaning! We are one = Either you are with us, or you are with the Terrorists!!! Now, there was no scape! Millions of people, started to change their surnames to make them look American! Hundreds of thousands queued up in the Wall Street Institute's offices around the globe, filled up with a sudden urge to learn 'American' . I myself tried to find an american girfriend!

There we are now, waiting for the next law bill that will allow Mister Wacko Bush to launch an nuclear bomb whenever he wants if there was to be another 9/11 kind of threat to the USA or anywhere else. Maybe we just need the whole world's country frontiers lined up by 20 feet concrete walls so that terrorists 'really' need to catch a plane in order to walk accross our streets with their explosive loaded belts !

Maybe this time they will really need to learn how to fly Boeing 747's and maybe then the US Airforce will have no trouble in intercepting them . Let's hope that the CCTV security cameras are not confiscated this time by the secret police so that we are able to see on Youtube (surely not national media tv) the real cause of the attacks!

I dunno you, but I don't find this very appealing! I don't feel that having a new cold war against the whole arab world is any good to leave to our children! Mister Bully says that we will have a 100 year war. Surely these wackos want this so they can continue to fill up their wallets and go visit their Saudi arabian multitrillionary sultan 'brothers' .

I still want to believe that the democrats are any better, but history repeats itself just too often and in a too evident pattern. Obvious at least to those who take the time and cold mind to analyse it without preconceptions and emotional judgements. We have this switching of colours that helps itself , but is all two sides of the same coin.

Nobody can say that I lack scientific judgement becasue have a University degree in Biology and computer sience. I see myself as an objective and discerning individual with no forced or imposed ideology whatsoever. I dare to anyone to debate bout all that I advance here. Arguments are the only way of learning.
Sometimes I dream that I go back into my lab and concentrate myself on the reproduction of yeasts and arriving late in the night to my place and watch MTV or going to see Spiderman 10 at the movies just because everyone else does so.

Sadly , mother nature has given me the chance to think by myself and I am just too much of a drug addict at least when I consider neuronal transmitters as drugs!

So what is the point of all this chat? Maybe, I just needed to express myself about all this 2008 election in the USA. I am not an USA citizen but I am concerned because there is sufficient proof to believe that there is just no democracy in your country ( if you live there)

Many people say that the electronic voting system that will be massively used in the next ellection is going to be manipulated in favour of the party that is supposed to win. This has been demosntrated by hackers in many states of your contry.

Maybe the democrats will have the majority in Congress but the plan is to have another big bastard in power. For example Rudy Giuliany , who porttrays himself as a defender of the citizen is another crook powermonger wannabee. Just read the real biography of Giuliani to see who he really is.He reminds me of a lad who has come acrross my friend circle by annoying circomstances.The kind of guy that surely talks shit about you to your best friends on your back, just because he doesn't want you to make him shadow.
Some people who smile too much are just trying to hide what they really think in their heads. This is the famous charismatic of the legendary lucifer ot he children tales I used to hear when I was kid. Do not judge someone by his charisma, but by his actions, and that includes his speech.

Anyways. I know this text is not going to change any opinions and that most of you will bypass it as an emotional outburst of frustration induced paranoia from myself, but still, how many of us can claim to be really and unbiasedly informed about politics!

And yes, I know, politics is a boring matter, a thing for old people, but I wonder, if we don't take care of politics, who is going to ?

Think about it: One government . The dream of any power maniac! Do not let it happen!

To end this just let the love pass into your life and spread it all around you. Whenever somebody shows hate, show them the opposite thing, so that he cand mimic you. If you show him hate, he will mimic your hate, and no solution will come about.

Maybe , what these loonies in power need is a bit more of love, and a lot less money!

Sweet love for you all! Geenite from Brussels ( the capital of European Burocracy) . Soon I'll go back to Barcelona, where the New era of enlightment is coming up sooner than expected , at least in Spain!

Wake up with a good fresh renewed hope , for we truly are one, more than ever! Don't let anybody raise us against each other! Respect all cultures, respect all living ! Nourish your heart! Not just your wallet! SHARE LOVE NOT HATE!!!!


Monday, May 14, 2007

Dangers of the US Nuclear warfare

The united states is trying to launch a nuclear warfare starting with Iran and North Korea. This preentive strike will end up in worst case scenario than some military think. It will only start a world war III.